Let’s protect the nature together!
Let’s protect the nature together! at School
The Foundation Together for Social Solidarity from Piatra Neamt continues the project “Protejăm natura împreună!” (Let’s protect the nature together!), financed by Piatra Neamt City Hall, through the “Environment” – Grants from the local budget of Piatra Neamt in 2016.
Students of the Gymnasium School No. 2 from Piatra Neamt participated during Thursday and Friday, 20th and 21st October at the second series of workshops organized within the project.
They had the opportunity to figure out how to preserve nature, which factors harm it and what methods exist in order to try to improve the current situation of nature.
We held 10 workshops, attended by 303 children, ages 7 to 14 years, during which they received information about the causes and effects of environmental degradation and forms of environmental protection.
Protecting the environment is essential nowadays.
We have to think of both us and the needs of future generations.
We consume more and more of the natural resources and we jeopardize the environmental systems (water, soil and air). This can’t continue indefinitely, especially since the world’s population continues to grow.
If we don’t change our behavior now, our future will be less secure and more people will struggle for the increasingly reduced natural resources.
We have to change the way we consume the natural resources.
In industrialized countries people are living comfortable, but use large amounts of energy and raw materials. Here we produce more waste. To reach a rational consuming pattern we will have to change our rational consumption style.
The rational development problem seems overwhelming, and it really is. But at school or at home, all of us must contribute to solve it, not only because it is right but because it is in our interest, on a long-term basis.
By reducing the amount of waste, reuse and recycling household objects and respect the environmental ruleswhen we go shopping, we are able to contribute to a radical change.
Trainer within the project “Protejăm natura împreună!” (Let’s protect the nature together) was Mrs. Stefania Timofte, who made the information reach young people in a fun, interactive way.
The participants were encouraged to sort waste, save water and recycle.
The personal example is the most powerful, therefore Ștefania Timofte presented a few nice items made from recycled materials (pen holder, picture frames, teaching materials made of cardboard from various boxes and plastic caps). Towards the end of the presentation, the participants were encouraged to manufacture a pen made with a very interesting mine that was wrapped in a casing of paper.
Some impressions from participants:
“The activity was wonderful. I learned new things. To me it seemed interesting. Thanks for the pen! “
“This activity was beautiful. We need to protect the environment, because in this way we protect ourselves and those around us. “
“For me ecology means a lot because in this way we have a healthier life. We should inspire those around us to have a better and cleaner life. “
“I believe this information is necessary to be known by each of us in order to take action in the future.”
“We must act quickly in order to preserve the environment!”
The participants were very involved, active and happy to find new things about nature and innovative ways to recycle everyday objects. Hopefully all they learned will be put into practice!
Corina Băhneanu
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