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Fundația Împreună pentru Solidaritate Socială / Noutăți  / Let’s protect the nature together!

Let’s protect the nature together!

Let’s protect the nature together!

The Foundation Together for Social Solidarity from Piatra Neamt began Thursday, October 13th, the project “Protejăm natura împreună!” (“Let’s protect the nature together!”), that is financed by Piatra Neamt City Hall, through the “Environment” – Grants from the local budget of Piatra Neamt 2016.

Students of the Administrative-Economic Highschool from Piatra Neamt attending the first workshops of the project, had the opportunity to learn how they can protect the nature and it’s harmful factors.

Were held 4 workshops attended by 88 students, aged between 14 and 18 years, during which they received information on the effects of the consumption of natural resources, causes and effects of environmental degradation, forms of protection of the environment.

The workshops were interactive, the children being very excited about the topic and curious to discover new things.

Each group that participated at the sessions reacted differently, from the smallest ones of 9th grade, that were fascinated, to the ones to 10th grade that were familiar with the subject; those from 11th grade made a series of Did you know…? and the 12th  class told us that they have participated in the campaign of collecting waste in Piatra Neamt.

Trainer within the project “Protejăm natura împreună!” (Let’s protect the nature together!) is Mrs. Stefania Timofte, who made the information reach young people in a fun, interactive way.

The young people were encouraged to sort waste, save water and recycle.

As the personal example is the most powerful, therefore Mrs. Timofte presented the young people a few cute items made from recycled materials (pen holder, picture frames, teaching materials made of cardboard from various boxes and plastic caps).

Towards the end of the presentation, participants were encouraged to manufacture a pen very with a very interesting mine that was wrapped in a casing of paper.

“These activities are important, as people get informed. From my point of view, this project is very interesting and useful for all of us. We all need to think, first of all, at us, at our planet and everything we lose if we don’t properly protect the nature. We should think several times before throwing away a packaging material that could be recycled…. “, declared Mihaela Loredana.

The activity was interactive, animated and hopefully, all we learned, will be implemented!

Corina Băhneanu

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