“Where is your treasure, there will be your heart”
“Where is your treasure, there will be your heart”
“Don’t gather treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy them and where thieves steal them; but gather treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust destroy them and where thieves do not dig them, neither steal. Because where your treasure is there will be your heart. “Matthew 6: 19-21
Generosity reflects the passion of the heart to help their peers and it means sacrificing the personal interest in favor of others.
The Foundation Together for Social Solidarity in partnership with the parish “Sf. Voievozi” from Săvineşti started the humanitarian campaign “Guardian Angels”.
This campaign targets people belonging to vulnerable social areas from Moldova and it’s aim is helping them.
The campaign “Guardian Angels” supports people in need with clothing (children and adults), shoes, hygiene products, games and toys, diapers, walkers and wheelchairs.
Wednesday, November 2nd 2016, the Foundation Together for Social Solidarity, by the initiative of it’s director, priest Petru Munteanu, organised a new activity aiming at helping the Christian philanthropic establishment “Acoperământul Maicii Domnului” (Holy Virgin Veil) from Bogdăneşti village, Suceava County.
A delegation of the Foundation accompanied the goods transportation, consisting of furniture, clothing, wheelchairs and hygiene products. The delegation was welcomed with open arms by priest Gheorghe Loghinoaia, who thanked for the gifts received on behalf of the elderly beneficiaries of the settlement.
The value of the donated goods was 14.300 lei.
While being in Fălticeni area, the members of the delegation, along with priest Petru Munteanu, arrived also at the establishment “Bucuria celor necăjiţi” (Joy of All in Sorrow) from town Râșca, Suceava County.
This building was meant for activities in the community, being founded by priest Andrei Aioanei, receiveing the blessing of His Eminence Nicolae, Metropolitan of the Americas. His Beatitude officiated the sanctification mass of the center surrounded by a group of priests and dozens of believers.
Helping your close ones without receiving a material reward is a voluntary act of solidarity towards life’s challenges.
The campaigns realized by the Foundation Together for Social Solidarity help many socially disadvantaged people find in their soul, the much needed peace, so necessary nowadays.
Corina Băhneanu
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