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priest Petru Munteanu Tag

Fundația Împreună pentru Solidaritate Socială / Posts tagged "priest Petru Munteanu"

"Where is your treasure, there will be your heart" "Don't gather treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy them and where thieves steal them; but gather treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust destroy them and where thieves do not dig them, neither steal. Because where your treasure is there will be your heart....

"The schoolbags festival" "In fact, the entire education is self-education. The teacher is only a guide that shows you the way, and no school, or no matter how good it is, doesn't give you education. What you get is something simillar to the lines of a coloring book. You yourself have to put the right colors." (Louis L'Amour) The...

Together for Social Solidarity Foundation from Piatra Neamt, at the initiative of it's director, priest Petru Munteanu, launched this year the first edition of the Intercultural Camp "Angel wings" in Republic of Moldova. Since this year's spring a delegation of the Foundation, accompanied by Mrs. Augusta Jumanca - Vice President of the German Democratic Forum from Piatra Neamt,...

"A child can teach anytime an adult three things: how to be happy for no reason, how not never sit still and how to persistently ask for what he wants." Paulo Coelho The social services center "Samariteanul Milostiv" (Merciful Samaritan) is the place where we mantain the charm of childhood, just like in "The Memories" of Creanga and the hearts of the volunteers leap with joy when the...

Elders are twice times children The Foundation Together for Social Solidarity organized the humanitarian campaign ,,Dăruiește cu respect." (Give with respect). The campaign took place both in Neamt county as well as in other areas of the country. Like every year, the goods donated during the campaign reached Cîmpeni, to be more precise. The establishment for elderly "Sf. Sava" from Buzau County. This, Wednesday, July 6th 2016, a group of...

The creation camp "Angel Wings" wants this year to cross the Romanian borders. Thus, on 15th March 2016 a delegation of eight people, employees and volunteers of the Foundation Together for Social Solidarity from Piatra Neamt went to Republic of Moldova in order to find a suitable area for organizing the camp for our young...