Elders are twice times children
Elders are twice times children
The Foundation Together for Social Solidarity organized the humanitarian campaign ,,Dăruiește cu respect.” (Give with respect). The campaign took place both in Neamt county as well as in other areas of the country.
Like every year, the goods donated during the campaign reached Cîmpeni, to be more precise. The establishment for elderly “Sf. Sava” from Buzau County.
This, Wednesday, July 6th 2016, a group of volunteers from the foundation Together for Social Solidarity, at the initiative of its director, priest Petru Munteanu, visited the elders from the center in Buzau and accompanied a shipment of humanitarian aid.
The settlement was founded in 1996.
It was founded from the need of helping people who don’t have anyone to help them in old age and disease. The asylum being an integral part of the foundation “Sf. Sava”, whose foundations were laid by priest Mihail Milea.
Since the first moments they entered the settlement “Sf. Sava “- Campeni, the foundation volunteers remained deeply impressed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere and inviting air.
It was enough to throw a glance around and they were already engaged in a fairytale world. Far from the urban environment, pigeons, an ostrich, deer, bunnies and household pets such as pigs or chickens, could be found in this wonderful landscape.
The Home for the elderly from Buzău hides disturbing life stories.
After a lifetime of work and sacrifice, these people cameto live a quiet old age. There we could find old people, that although they have children with a good material status that would allow them to take care of them, don’t want to know of their existence.
In their home at Câmpeni, they have a welcoming home, being taken care by sister Modesta and the social worker, Ms. Mihaela Bunea, along with several volunteers.
,,The settlement was founded in 1994 on the initiative of priest and teacher Mihail Milea, chairman of the foundation in which we activate.
Priest Milea asked the city hall to lease the land and the discused buildings in the area for a period of 90 years. Also in that year, once having the property documents, we started the cleansing of the land and began the construction. Initially, the workforce was increased by using several orphans who were over 18 years old and finished the institutionalization phase, which the priest brought here thinking that the settlement will be useful for them as a house.
And so it was…for several years, the center was home to these homeless children. Meanwhile, the center began to develop. They cultivated vegetables and fruits that were used for their own use, made fences for growing chickens, planted trees etc. The center now has an effective capacity of 25 people, without taking into consideration the annexes for staff. The people we are hosting here belong to poor environments, therefore, for us, it means a lot.
The goods that were donated by priest Munteanu. We take care of 20 old women, who are chased from home, mistreated by their loved ones, that enjoy everything they received. Someone once donated a bag of toys and I was thinking what to do with them, but we gave them to the elderly woman, and they rejoiced like little children; you know, old people are twice children. We thank priest Munteanu, may God give him all the best and good health “explained sister Modesta.
The donated items consisted of furniture, sewing machines, medical equipment, clothing, footwear, diapers, their total value being 12,600 lei.
Brîndușa Dediu
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